“We must obey God rather than men. "Acts 5:29

The Dark Cloud

One day after praying, I had a vision of dark clouds covering the whole country of North America. I said Lord, what is this thick black cloud and he replied, it is a death cloud. Then I asked him what was in this cloud and he replied that there was tragedies, calamities, and diseases in this cloud. Then he told me that people who were not covered meaning not a child of God or had no one praying for them were an open target for this cloud. I asked him for more information about these clouds and he told me to look at his words.

Later I went to the bible and came across this scripture that was talking about the coming of the Lord: Zephaniah 1:15 that says That day is a day of fury, a day of distress and anxiety,a day of desolation and devastation,a day of darkness and gloominess,a day of clouds and deep darkness.

This was the second vision about the coming of the Lord. I believe that Jesus is coming back soon. Repent and live right if you do not know him.

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