Dear Heavenly Father,
You are the creator of the universe. Lord, bless me to stretch out my hand to heal, and to perform signs and wonders in Jesus name. Lord, do extraordinary miracles by my hands like you did for Paul Acts 19:11). Lord, your word tells me in John 14:12 that if I believe in you I will also do greater works than what Jesus done. Lord, thank you that I can cast out demons and speak in new tongues (Mark 16:17). Lord, thank you that I can speak to mountains because of my faith and nothing will be impossible to me (Matthew 17:20). Lord, bless me to be like the apostles that everywhere I preach, you will confirm the message by accompanying signs (Mark 16:20). Lord, may your glory be upon me as you use me as a vessel of servant hood. By faith I declare that I have the anointing of God and I have healing in my hands. Lord, give me a double anointing like you did for Elisha. Lord, I thank you that my prayers are powerful enough to cause rain to fall like Elijah did. Lord, let your consuming fire burn deep into my belly. Lord, let your words that is sharper than a two edge sword be in my mouth. Lord, you have giving me the power to decree such a thing and it will be established. I declare that I will use your word to speak life over any circumstance that I face. Thank you Lord, for the miracles that you perform. Thank you Lord for answering this prayer in Jesus name Amen.